The causes and treatment of varicose veins of the legs

Usually, the varicosities strikes the lower limbs, and can develop for years or even decades. Varicose veins (varicose veins) on the legs – it is always a bad functioning of the valves of the veins and the blood circulation. Good blood circulation is characterized by the movement of the blood in the veins of the legs in the direction from the bottom to the top (the reverse of gravity). In a large part of this process is possible thanks to the work of venous valves that prevent the reverse flow of blood. Disruptions of these valves lead to blood circulation disorders and venous as a result of the distension of the vein. On these veins the blood begins to flow in an order that is chaotic, often zastaivayas in the veins of the legs. Because of the emerging in this context, the considerable pressure of the vascular wall does not support, expand, and dissipate. When the dilated veins with the naked eye visible under the skin, in the form of nodes. Often, due to the slowing of blood flow in the veins goes of the thrombosis. The violation of the feeding process of the epidermis leads to the appearance of venous ulcers.

The reasons for the development of varicose veins in the legs:

  1. A genetic predisposition (hereditary transmitted predisposition to disease factors, such as the congenital weakness of the venous wall and the valve of the device, loss of elasticity).
  2. The violation of the circulation of blood at the bottom of the constipation, the wearing of tight shoes, smoking, deficiency of physical activity.
  3. Hormonal drugs (contraceptive pill monophasic with a high dose of estrogen leads to thickening of the blood).
  4. An increase of the venous pressure type, provocaverunt obesity, pregnancy, a sedentary lifestyle (sedentary work), the permanent vertical loads (working, all day standing on their feet).
  5. The hormonal changes in the elderly.

The data can also lead to pathological blood flow in the veins of the lower limbs – refluxus or to the reverse of the flow of blood from the deep veins into the superficial veins. These causes contribute to worsening of the disease in the future.

The symptoms of varicose veins on the legs

  • the expansion of the saphenous veins;
  • a burning sensation or warmth during the veins of the lower limbs;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • the soft tissue swelling of the lower limbs in the evening (stopping area, ankles, knees);
  • night cramps in the calves;
  • the darkening and tightness of the skin of the calf;
  • the pain during veins;
  • ulcers trophic.

In each patient, the symptoms of the varicose veins can be different but one point remains the same – a feeling of heaviness in the legs, which are called "syndrome of the feet heavy." The most often symptomatic of the complex is the most pronounced in the evening, as well as during the heat wave.

If the disease is started, the skin on the feet became a bluish tinge, and the patient, at this stage, no treatment does not get it, it is not rare can occur in hyperpigmentation of the skin and lipodermatosclerosis, in the most severe cases develop ulcers trophic.

The danger is not the veins, and in the development of the complication, thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the inner lining of the vein), leading to the formation of blood clots. Blood clots often overlap skylight vienna (phlebothrombosis), and can detach and fall into the lungs. In the wake of the serious complications of varicose veins in patients suffer a fatal outcome.

The diagnosis of varicose veins on the legs

Upon detection of him-even above symptoms, or at least some of them, an urgent need to consult a doctor phlebologist or vascular surgeon. The rapidity of the detection of the disease depends on the nature of the treatment, and to prevent the development of complications.

For the diagnosis of varicose veins appoint the following searches. the diagnosis of varicose veins

  1. ULTRASOUND of the veins or duplex scanning, – the evaluation of the permeability and extensio veins, the direction of the current of blood, as well as the determination of the presence of blood clots in veins.
  2. Contrast venography – evaluate the condition of the veins, the definition of the availability of tumors and blood clots through to recreate accurately the "distribution" of the veins of a patient to x-ray. Generally, this method is replaced by an ULTRASOUND, because the latter is regarded as easier to apply.

When you need to immediately consult a doctor

At the onset of the following symptoms of a hike to the doctor should be immediate:

  1. The onset of acute pain of the lower limbs during the movement. When the leg with the spirit inflated and very dense, the skin is as if turned on.
  2. The feeling of weakness, accompanied by dyspnea, a feeling of lack of oxygen.
  3. From affected by the disease of vienna the beginning of oozing blood.

The treatment of varicose veins on the legs

The conservative treatment of varicose veins.

Non-surgical method of treatment is applied on the phase of disease development, when there are no complications. The methods of conservative and include a reception specialty drugs (angioprotectors, anticoagulants, venotoniki, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets, ointments, and gels), which will help relieve the pain, and are also to the prevention of complications.

Of great importance in the treatment of varicose veins restore the tone of the walls of the blood vessels. This can be accomplished with the aid of special tools. The tool the domestic manufacturer does not contain dyes, do not have a shell, without preservatives, that is why the substance diosmin absorbed more quickly, reducing to a minimum the risk of manifestations of allergic reactions.

Non-surgical therapy of varicose veins adds the port to a compression machine, the observance of a special regime of systematic physical activity (the healing services of the year).

These measures reduce the venous insufficiency and warn the development of thrombophlebitis. Then, the doctor in addition to the measures of treatment of varicose veins can be attributed to the rate of the hand or of the material of the lymphatic drainage, of the procedure improve the blood flow of the lower limbs, reducing swelling. The effect of the procedure is not sustainable.

The treatment of varicose veins leeches.

The treatment of leeches is rather an effective method to combat varicose veins. In penetrating to the interior affected by the disease of vienna, the saliva of leeches, thanks to its content it hirudin (natural heparin), promotes the liquefactionibus the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots. Today, on the basis of hirudin created drugs, thanks to "the contact with the leeches, you can avoid. leeches

Modern bezoperatsionnye methods of treatment of varicose veins on the legs.

The sclerotherapy.

Sclerotherapy is the most effective non-surgical treatment of varicose veins. In the course of the proceedings in the light of the diseased ship, the doctor injects a medication causing a collage of its walls, and in the future (for 1.5 years) of their resorption. Normal therapeutic in the course of the phase of varicosities consists of 3 to 6 treatments on each leg. The result will be visible after 2 to 8 weeks during which can be observed to pain, hematoma mild tingling which will pass away gradually. Drugs seized in each case individually, therefore, the risks of complications are minimal. In the treatment period, the patient should wear compression.

The effectiveness of sclerotherapy in the treatment of varicose veins, you can compare with traditional surgery, less alone the more modern techniques - endovenous laser coagulation, which is due to the appearance of "foam form" (sparkling) of the sclerotherapy, and the procedure, under ultrasound control or translyuministsentnoy of the lamp. All this has reduced the number of side effects.

Sclerotherapy can be performed with the help of the scanner, then the procedure is called echosclerotherapy. The use of a scanner gives the possibility for the doctor to completely control the movement of the needle in vienna and the distribution of the drug.

If the drug is introduced in the modified vein in the form of microfoam, the procedure is called foam-form of sclerotherapy. Thanks to a closer contact of the microfoam with the venous walls of the method is of high efficiency. The movement of the blood vessel, the microfoam is accelerating its sticking and blocking of the function.

endovasal or endovenous laser photocoagulation.

One of the rooms modern and least traumatic ways of treating varicose veins on the legs. The impact of the laser beam on the vein damaged is done under local anesthesia. The results are visible after a month after the procedure. The method is fairly costly.

The drug therapy of varicose veins on the legs complete the folk remedies, which is not only to improve elasticity and tonus of the venous wall, but he warned the evolution of the disease. The recipes of traditional medicine of regular application can help to heal severely advanced cases of the disease (skin ulcers, thrombosis).

Before engaging in a treatment, it is important to identify the cause of the disease with your doctor, do not over-tighten and don't wait for complications (skin ulcers, thrombosis), start treatment as soon as possible, so that the thickness of the veins on the surface, does not exceed 5 mm, and the nodes of not more than 7 mm At the time of offer a treatment, it is recommended to wear clothes and shoes, and is not restrictive of movement, to waive an intense physical activity and the habit of throwing the foot on the leg. ulcers of the skin,

Modern methods of operational (surgical) treatment of varicose veins on the legs

In the absence of a desired outcome because of a conservative treatment of varicose veins require surgical intervention. The operation is a radical method of treatment of the disease in the course of which performs the deletion amended to vienna. Today, this is done under tumescent anesthesia (local anesthesia from a natural mixture of anesthetics). The advantages of the method is that the patient can leave the clinic two hours after the operation, not of a hematoma post-operatively, it is easier to transport, not of intoxication, such as during the realization of the operation under general anesthesia.

Phlebectomy – through the bites of remove modified of the disease of the veins to normalize blood flow through deep veins. The operation, in some cases, it is preferable to sclerotherapy. Among the advantages we observe a rapid recovery of the patient, a slight scar, in addition to the effect obtained is recorded in years.

A short Pickling – to remove only the modification of the phase of vienna by two small incisions. Pre-defines the location and extent assigned to vienna. In this process, the soft tissues of the patient is not suffering, there is a rapid recovery, the absence of pain after the surgery.

Endoscopic dissectione veins - this method of the doctor with the aid of a small size assigned to vienna introduced it, an endoscope, which gives the possibility to obtain data on the internal condition of varicose veins, the extent of the affected area, but also with precision control of his actions at the time of the cutoff of the phase of vienna, to minimize injury.

The prevention of varicose veins on the legs

  1. The restriction on access to the sauna, the adoption of hot baths, prolonged exposure to the sun (all this leads to a decrease in venous tone and the stagnation of the blood).
  2. In addition to motor activity (moderate jogging, swimming, hiking, aerobics, cycling, skiing).
  3. Control of their weight.
  4. The refusal of the tight, tight clothing and tight shoes, and tight.
  5. Get rid of the habit of sitting legs".
  6. Avoid constipation (eat properly, observe the drinking mode).
  7. The weight is evenly distributed on the legs (do not sit or do not stay long in the same position).
  8. The cold showers and infusion feet.
  9. The wearing of a compression machine from home and people at risk (pregnant women, women with a hereditary predisposition, the workers have a sedentary job, or whose work is associated with serious mobility costs or the need to spend all day on their feet).
  10. Of the physiotherapy.

For the treatment of varicose veins, any physical exercise is forbidden, only for the purposes of prevention.

The plan varicose veins

  1. The limitation salty, spicy and smoked food.
  2. The refusal of alcohol.
  3. The limitation of the production of meat.
  4. The enrichment of the ration of fruit and vegetables, products that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels (carrot, olive oil, nuts, rosehip, green tea, sprouted seeds of wheat, beans, green onion).
  5. Daily intake of apple cider vinegar (a glass of water 2 tablespoon).

When detecting the first signs of varicose veins immediately consult a specialist. People who are at risk (those who have predisposing factors), and having a genetic predisposition to varicose disease is recommended every two years to attend phlebologist with the obligation of the holding of the ultrasound.